Piling Experience


i. Executed Piling works for tower foundations in flowing water conditions in River Bed at Indus River Crossing and Satluj River Crossing
ii Executed Piling works for tower foundations in high speed Nallas in Hilly areas.
iii Executed piling works in soils which require pile foundations generally in plain and soft areas.
iv Executed piling works under equipment foundations including Gantry towers at 500/220Kv Grid station Shikarpur.
v Executed piling works under structures of Control House Building, Mechanical services

Building at 500/220Kv Grid station shikarpur. -The work also included the construction of Double storey Control House Building, Mechanical Services Building and equipment foundation over piles.

vi Total Piling foundation work done so far is 30502 Lin-Meter as per details attached. The work also included Pile Caps, Beams and Chimney.
vii Experienced Crews and T&P is available for execution of Pile, drilling and Concreting work.

Construction Experience for Piling Work

Sr.No. Name of Project Detail of work order As Per Measurement Sheet
600 mm 900 mm 1200 mm 1500 mm 1600 mm
A. 500 kV Transmission Line / Grid Station Projects
1. NTDC Contract No. ADB-106 (formerly ADB-80R-2016) for Survey for Tower Staking, Foundations, Erection, Stringing, Testing and Commissioning of 500KV Transmission Line Guddu – Muzaffargarh (LOT-I) Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (MP&M) NTDC, Lahore vide No. CE/MP&M/DP/DM-II/ADB-80R(L-I)/ 10330-41 dated 26-12-2016 As JV with M/s NEIE - 784 M 3388 M - -
2. NTDC Contract No. CPP-04C-2017 for Civil Works, Erection, Stringing, Testing & Commissioning of 500kV Double Circuit Quad Bundle Transmission Line Hub – Jamshoro 45th Km (Lot-I) Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (MP&M) NTDC, Lahore vide No. CE/MP&M/MP/AM-II/CPP-04/(L-I)/ 1923-36 dated 17-05-2018 - - 280 M 220 M -
3. NTDC Contract No. TLC-03-2017 for Civil Works, Erection, Stringing, Testing & Commissioning of 500kV Single Circuit Quad Bundle Transmission Line Guddu – Muzaffargarh Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (MP&M) NTDC, Lahore vide No. CE/MP&M/MP/AM-III/TLC-03/ L-I/1188-1201 dated 19-07-2018 - 2772 M 299 M - -
4. NTDC Contract No. SHK-001 Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing And Commissioning of Plant Equipment and associated Civil works for 500KV new Shikarpur Grid Station As Sub contractor with M/s NEIE Certificate attached 4596 M - - - -
SUB TOTAL OF A 3967 M 3967 M 220 M -
B. 220 kV Transmission Line Projects
5. NTDC Contract No. WPP-06-2014 Survey for Tower Stacking, Foundation, Erection, Stringing, Testing and Commissioning of 220kv Transmission Line Jhimpir New to T.M. Khan Road Hyderabad from Location No. 1 to Intermediate Point A (Lot-I) Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (MP&M) NTDC, Lahore vide No. CE/MP&M/DP/WPP-06/L-I/ 9270-81 dated 19-01-2015 - 302 M 96 M - -
6. NTDC Contract No. WPP-06-2014 Survey for Tower Stacking, Foundation, Erection, Stringing, Testing and Commissioning of 220kv Transmission Line Jhimpir New to T.M. Khan Road Hyderabad from Intermediate point to T. M. Khan Road Grid Station (Lot-II) Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (MP&M) NTDC, Lahore vide No. CE/MP&M/DP/WPP-06/L-II/9282-93 dated 19-01-2015 - 3359 M 2581 M - -
7. NTDC Contract No. PD-EHV-1-03-2017 for Civil Works, Erection, Stringing and Testing & Commissioning of 220kv Transmission Lines for Upgradation of 220kv Side of Auto Transformer No. 3 of Terbela Switchyard Work Order issued by Project Director (EHV-I) NTDC, Lahore vide No. 1379-84/PD/EHV dated 16-02-2018 - - 496 M - -
8. NTDC Contract No. VC-001 Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 220kv D/C Twin Bundle Vehari - Chishtian T/Line Project As Sub contractor with M/s NEIE Certificate attached - 264 M 1108 M - -
9. NTDC Contract No. NOR-20 (ADB-21-2009) for Survey for Tower Staking, Foundations, Erection, Stringing, Testing and Commissioning of 220KV D/C Twin Bundle D.G. Khan – Loralai Transmission Line Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (EHV-II) NTDC, Lahore vide No. GM (GSC)/SOUTH/NTDC/HYD/LO/377-84 dated 27-07-2010 - 526 M 1094 M - -
SUB TOTAL OF B - 4451 M 5375 M - -
C. 132 kV Transmission Line Projects
10. IESCO Contract No. IESCO/PMU/CIVIL/NCB-52/2020 for Construction of Tower Foundations, RCC Short Pile Foundation of (ZM1, ZM30, EA & ED) Towers, Erection, Stringing, Testing & Commissioning. & Mitigation Measures For Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) at 132kV T/Line Feed For Sanghoi Grid Station (IN & OUT) from 132kV T/Line Dina - New Rewat) Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (Development) PMU IESCO letter No. 2686-88/CEO/IESCO/CE(Dev) /PMU/ NCB-52/2020 dated: 01-06-2020 92 M 184 M - - -
11. IESCO Contract No. IESCO/PMU/CIVIL/NCB-46/2019 for Construction of Tower Foundation & RCC Pile Foundations of Steel Tubular Poles, Erection & Stringing, Dismantling, Welding of Towers/Poles & Mitigation Measures for Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP)for Remodeling/ Reconductoring work of 132kV D/C T/Line Chakwal to Jatli (Location No. 141 of New Rawat -Dina at Gujjar Khan-Jatli Crossing to Jatli Grid Station Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (Development) PMU IESCO Letter No.1407-09/CEO/IESCO/CE(Dev)/ PMU/ NCB-46/2019 dated: 10-03-2020 - - 124 M - 102 M
12. IESCO Contract No. IESCO/PMU/CIVIL/NCB-54/2020 for Construction of RCC Pile Foundations of Steel Tubular Poles Type SPA, SPD & SPG, Erection, Stringing of Conductor & Shield Wire, Allied Accessories and Transportation of Material from New Wah Store to Site etc for Shifting of 1.2kM 132kV SDT Transmission Line Chaksawari to Mirpur (T-Off Islam Garh) due to Proper Loop In/Out of Chakswari – Khuiratta – Kotli Circuit Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (Development) PMU IESCO Letter No. 3351-53/CEO/IESCO/CE(Dev)/ PMU/ NCB-54/2020 dated: 14-07-2020 - - 10 M - 153 M
13. IESCO Contract No. IESCO/PMU/CIVIL/NCB-25/2018 for Construction of Tower Foundations & RCC Pile Foundations of Steel Tubular Poles, Erection and Stringing of 132kV SDT T/Line New Rewat - Dina - Mangla (Under 7th STG-System Constraints Work Order issued by General Manager (Development) IESCO Letter No. 393-95/CEO/IESCO/GM(Dev)/PMU/ NCB-25 dated: 18-01-2019 - - 480 M - 229 M
14. IESCO Contract No. IESCO/PMU/CIVIL/NCB-15/2017 for Construction of Tower Foundations & RCC Pile Foundations of Steel Tubular Poles, Erection & Stringing of 132kV Transmission Line for Conversion of 66kV To 132kV SDT T/Line Basal To Jand (Feed For 132kV Grid Station Jand) Under IESCO - ADB Tranche-IV Saving (CPF) (Lot - III) Work Order issued by General Manager (Development) PMU IESCO Letter No. 4324-26/CEO/IESCO/GM(Dev)/PMU /NCB-15 dated: 02-07-2018 - - - - 53 M
15. NTDC Contract No. TLC-10-2020 (LOT-I) Variation Order 01 for Dismantling of Existing 132kV Transmission Line at Port Qasim & Construction of New 132kV Transmission Line (Interim Arrangement) for Back Feed Supply to 660MW Lucky Electric Power Company Limited (LEPCL) from Existing K-Electric Network Variation / Repeat Order No. 01 against Contract No. TLC-10-2020 (LOT-I) issued vide your letter No. CE/MP&M/M(MC)/AM-IV/TLC-10/11671-81 dated: 18-12-2020 - - 284 M - -
16. NTDC Contract No. MN-005/2015-16 for Construction of Tower Foundations/Pile Foundation, Erection of Towers & Stringing, Testing and Commissioning work of “In & Out” from Existing 132KV Double Circuit Transmission Line Thatta-FWEL-I T/Line for Evacuation of Power from 50MW Hydro China Wind Power Project Gharo Work Order Issued By Project Director (EHV-II) NTDC, Multan vide No. 1361-66/PD/EHV-II/ NTDC/MN Dated 04-04-2016 As Main Contractor 804 M 4154 M - - -
17. NTDC Contract No. WB-STG-51 for Construction of Tower Foundations, Erection, Stringing, Testing and Commissioning of 132kv (SDT) Vehari – Ludden Transmission Line (7 No. SPA Poles) Work Order Issued By Project Director (GSC) MPECO Vide No. 5985-86 Dated 06-03-2012 - - 66.5 M - -
18. QESCO Contract No. ADB- QESCO-01, QESCO-02 and QESCO 03 for 132KV Double Circuit Transmission Lines from Loralai to Quetta, Mastung to Khuzdar, and 220KV Dera Murad Jamali to 132Kv Dear Murad Jamali As Sub contractor with M/s NEIE Certificate awaited - - 4800 M - -
19. NTDC Contract No. ADB-43-2008 Survey for Tower Staking, Foundations, Erection, Stringing, Testing & Commissioning of 220kv D/C Twin Bundle and 132kv D/C T/ Line (Lot-III)
i) 132kv D/C T/L from 220kv Rohri New G/S to 132kv Gumbat G/S;
ii) 132kv D/C T/L for In & Out of Two Circuits of Rohri-Kharipur/Gumbat T/L at Rohri New G/S
Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (EHV-II) NTDC, Lahore vide No. CE/EHV-II/NTDC /ADB-43-2008/ 568-73 dated 23-07-2008 As JV with M/s NEIE 2038 M 170M - - -
20. NTDC Contract No. ADB-43-2008 for Survey for Tower Staking, Foundations, Erection, Stringing, Testing and Commissioning of 220kv D/C Twin Bundle and 132kv D/C Transmission Lines Lot-IV: 132KV D/C T/L from Jarwar CCPP to Sadiqabad G/S Work Order issued by Chief Engineer (EHV-II) NTDC, Lahore vide No. CE/EHV-II/NTDC/ADB-43-2008/ 619-31 dated 23-07-2008 As JV with M/s NEIE 360 M - - - -
SUB TOTAL OF C 3294 M 4508 M 5774.5 M - 537 M
TOTAL OF A + B + C 7890 M 12515 M 15116.5 M 220 M 537 M
GRAND TOTAL 36,278.50 M


  1. The Pile foundations done on 220KV Tarbela T/Line Project was in flowing water.
  2. The pile foundations done on 500Kv S/C Quad Bundle T/L Guddu-Muzaffargarh (ADB-106) was in Roud Khui Koh-e-Suleman High flood area
  3. The pile foundations done on 220KV Double Circuit Jhimpir to T.M. Khan Road Hyderabad Line was at Indus River crossing including piles in flowing water.
  4. The pile foundations done on 220KV Double Circuit Twin Bundle D. G. Khan Loralai Transmission Line was in the Nalas having severe flow and heavy discharge of water.
  5. The pile foundations done on 220KV Double Circuit Twin Bundle Vehari Chishtian Line was at Sutlej River including pile in mid and in flowing water.